Helpful Terms
Apical Dominance – A condition where the terminal bud inhibits the growth and development of lateral buds on the same stem
Branch Bark Ridge – A raised line of bark that forms on the upper side of where the branch joins the trunk
D.B.H. (Diameter at Breast Height) – diameter outside the bark measured at breast height, 4.5 feet or 1.37m
Dominant – A tree branch or leader that exhibits strong apical control, resulting in an upright tree with a strong central leader
Co-Dominant – multiple leaders competing with each other
Included Bark – Bark that becomes embedded in a crotch between branch and trunk or between co-dominant stems, forming a weak union
Lateral Bud – Bud located on the side of a stem
Lion Tailing – Pruning that removes an excessive amount of interior branches, leaving only a few branches at the very end of a limb, displacing foliar weight to the end of branches.
Node – The slightly enlarged portion of a stem where leaves and buds emerge; the joint of a twig
Petiole – The stem of a leaf
Scaffold Branches – The permanent or structural branches of a tree
Terminal Bud – The bud located at the end of a twig or shoot
Wind-sail effect – The movement of air causing a limb to move and bend
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